Thursday, 22 August 2013

Juicemaster Detox Trial: Second Part

So I continue on my Juicemaster Trial.

I did have some chicken that I made for my hubbie last night. It was delicious, however, it didn't break my spirit to carry on the juicemaster trial. So I push through.

Day 4:
I woke up feeling pretty irritable, and did my day 4-7 shopping. Because of all the fruit and veg I had left over from making all of the required drinks (mid-morning and tea time) it only cost be £15 to replenish my stock! It looked quite strange me carrying 4 pineapples out the shop. Those drinks leave me so full I am not really hungry for the morning and afternoon sessions.

My Juicemaster Remnant
I went to a spinning class in the evening, it was not bad not great. Later in the afternoon my right leg started aching so I put a hot pad on it. Must be my body detoxing, body aches in my legs are usually a sign of my body getting rid of junk.

Day 5:
I had a super juice in the morning. I made one for my husband too because he has taken a slight interest in the health benefits of juicing. I added a banana into his to make it a little sweeter. He liked it, much to my surprise! 

Friday spinning class was terribly intense, but it was nonetheless a good workout. It was a sunny day outside so I spent a bit of time sitting in the sun at lunchtime which did me the world of good.

I didn't stick to the schedule st out today because I wanted to mix things up a bit, but I realised that I had run out of courgettes in the process. Also because of the burning / refux situation with the acidity of the juices, I decided to stick to those without the pineapple base which seemed to work well.

Day 6:
At the last minute, I was invited to go to the beach with a group of friends. I knew that this would throw me off my juicefest, but I decided to wake up early and pre-make all of my juices for the day. I had to also find some way of keeping them cold because a warm and soggy juice is not ah-sum.

I made a superjuice for the road and then a ginger zinger and a pure green super juice for the time I was at the beach. I must just say that all of the juices have been really good to taste, up until I had the green super juice. It is vile, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I managed to chug it down and instantly tried to forget the scarring memory that I had drunk anything so horrid! By the time I got to the ginger zinger at the end of the day, it had become a bit warm so not that great but it did the job. 

I personally think if you are able to make all the juices from scratch just before drinking, rather than preparing them all in the morning for the rest of the day, that this is a better way to go. My mother always tells me to drink my juices right after they have been made to avoid oxidisation happening (which is essentially the process where the fruit turns brown) and nutrients being lost. I'm not sure whether this has an affect, juicing gurus seems to disagree on this point. A good article to read is Everything you need to know about storing fresh juice, if you are going to produce and store your fresh juice for later.

Generally, I felt great today. I could definitely feel the difference in my clothing, and my tummy didn't bulge in my bikini at the beach so I didn't feel I had to suck it in all day (yes, girls do this even though they might not look like they're doing it!).

Day 7:
Last day, and boy I could not wait to finish. Although these juices are great and left me feeling excellent, I must say I was ready to get back to normal food. The last day of juicing was uneventful, just stuck to the routine!

Weigh-in and Measurement:
I did the overall weigh-in and measurement on the Monday (Day 8) after my week long juicemaster diet. I had lost 2 kgs and about 2cm off my tummy, hips, bum and thighs. Yay! Jeggings fitting comfortably by the end of the day.

Pop in again in two weeks to find out whether I've managed to keep the weight off!

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