Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Juicemaster Detox Trial. Let's go, Jason Vale!

I decided a while ago, to invest in a week of detox. Mostly because I felt the old 'jeggings' line starting to dig into my flesh come the end of the day. Not awesome. Not a great way to end the day either, feeling sluggish and bloated. This is no new way of life to myself (nor should it be for any follower of Christ practising spiritual disciplines). Annually I get involved in a 21 day Daniel fast in January / February which provides a fantastic start to the year both spiritually and health-wise. I often embark on 3, 7 or 10 day mini-Daniel fasts about one or twice a year following the 21 day Daniel fast and can definitely shout from the rooftops the benefits of this lifestyle. My go-to book on all these occasions is Fast your way to health by Lee Bueno. It is a fantastic read, but more than that, the concepts just make sense! Would really recommend it to anyone embarking on any fasting or detox programme, especially if you are interested in the spiritual elements which accompany this.

Looking through the iTunes store one day, I came across this book '7lbs in 7 days'. Really? I thought and proceeded to download the sample. Any 'get results quick scheme' catches the eye of many a person, I guarantee it. It's a side effect of this instant gratification society that we live in. The sample book proceeded to confirm everything I already knew and experienced in my personal life of fasting. So thought buying the full book would be a waste of time for me, even though it is recommended for full effect and to keep motivation up during the detox. I can say that definitely having some reading material which encourages you to carry on to see results is important, hence my 'fasting bible' mentioned above, which has got me through some difficult fasts!

I checked out various testimonies of people who had done the detox and had incredible results, especially when followed by the 14 day turbo charge your life. Seemed the real deal, but I didn't need much convincing to be honest.

We gave our juicer away a while ago, which was a pity, but luckily a friend of ours was moving house and giving stuff away, so we got a brand new juicer, blender and citrus press. Perfect for the start of the juicemaster detox! On Sunday, I went to our local farm stall to stock up on all the fruit and veg I would need. Juicemaster provides a really handy shopping list. It cost me £49 to buy all the fruit and veg I needed for days 1-3. However, it seems like because I have not made all the juices required on the plan, I will have some left over from days 1-3 for days 4-7.

I googled the juicemaster plan and recipes for the plan and have them on tap on my iPhone / iPad safari pages. I know you can also download the juicemaster app which is supposed to be really good, but I didn't want to pay £3 for an app I am only going to be using once a year or so. Switching between the two pages on my phone or iPad, I can easily get the information I need about what recipe I will be making at what time of the day.

Apparently Jason Vale recommends you exercise three times a day for 20-40 mins each time - or something to that effect. Not sure who in this day and age has the time to do that type of exercise, unless you're on a retreat somewhere. But anyway. I am pretty active usually, most days in the week I do a spinning class, which is 45 mins of intense workout but then I'm done for the day. On the odd occasions I do aerobics, zumba, play squash or go for a cycle. So my exercise regime for this programme continues to be what I do on a day-to-day basis.

So. I have now completed the first three days of the juicemaster detox. Let's start with Day 1:

I started the day off by doing my usual Monday morning spinning class which is quite intense. I drank about a litre of water at and after Spinning. I had my first 'Super Juice' at about 12pm and only added the spirulina and probiotic. I don't have wheatgrass and am not really keen to add it into any of the juices, so have left that out of all the recipes where it's supposed to be included.

At about 12:40, I started wishing I could have something warm and comforting for lunch, or even just a cup of tea. This was even though I was full up with juice. So I knew it was my appetite talking to me rather than a desperate hunger.

At about 1:30pm the usual detox headache started. I've had these before with fasting but I must say that this one was not as painful as others I have had in the past. This is probably down to the fact that I have not been drinking as much coffee / tea over the last few months as I would usually do. I would advise anybody doing any kind of fast or detox to refrain from drinking tea / coffee or any caffeinated drinks about a week before the fast / detox actually starts, or at least peter it out beforehand. The detox headache can be extremely debilitating, but it is good to know that your body is getting rid of the hefty toxins that have been built up over time in this process. Read Fast your way to health, it explains the process incredibly well.

I had the 'Super Chute' Juice at about 3pm which I thought was going to taste awful with all of those greens in it. But I was pleasantly surprised that it was almost (and I say almost) very tasty! It is probably the apple that tones everything down and sweetenes it up. Although there were many 'greens' in the drink, include spinach, kale, watercress, broccolli, courgette and the staple for every juice - the cucumber, it came out purple/red because of the beetroot in it (see left for the pic which makes it look like something died in my juicer!). It is not fun cleaning the darn thing after making this juice. You have to be so careful that the beetroot doesn't splash and spill onto anything nearby, especially your clothes!

For dinner I had another 'Super Juice' as per the instructions. I found it a challenge everyday to incorporate the mid-morning and 'tea time' juices into my consumption, just because I was left so full by drinking the morning and lunchtime juices that I didn't feel the need to drink any further. It might also be that my portions of juice are larger than what is expected (these recipes make ALOT of juice) but thats what it says in the recipe planner, so that's what I do.

The detox headache peaked at about 9:30pm and I could feel the blood pulsating into my head, but it kind of subsided after I had the 'lemon / ginger zinger' (pictured in the making - right) . I've read somewhere the ginger has anti-inflammatory properties so potentially this could have something to do with it. I finished off the night with a mint tea (well, it you can call hot water thrown over mint leaves a mint tea). And then went to bed with a slightly aching head. I must have had about 1.5 litres to drink during the day, which I know can be increased, especially while the body is in the initial stages of eliminating the toxins.

Day 2:

I woke up feeling energised and peaceful, headache totally disppeared. However, I did feel like I do when I know a cold is coming on. My throat was slightly sore and my chest a bit tight. However, this feeling left after about an hour. Again I headed off to spinning class which was not as intense as the Monday class.

Had a 'Super juice' when I returned from spinning, but didn't have the mid-morning juice as I was too full for that. The 'Super juice' kept me going until lunchtime (about 2pm). At about 12ish I felt a bit peckish for something bready or cakey, and struggled to concentrate on work at this point, but I managed to push through.

I had a 'Turbo express' juice (pictured left) which is similar to the 'Super juice' with the pineapple base. I noticed that the corners of my mouth were feeling slightly sore and I wondered whether that has to do with the acidity of all these juices, especially those incorporating pineapple? My husband also commented on how these juices were going to damage my teeth because of all the acid, so he suggested I invest in some straws. I saw a dentist on one of the other forums I looked at suggested this to. She also said NOT to brush your teeth after drinking the juice as this will cause further damage to your pearly white.

I finished off the day with a proper mint tea (bag 'n all). I know there is the option to go for the 'Hot 'n spicy' but it seems like adding three more apples worth of juice to my system at 11pm at night is not going to be the best for my blood sugar levels. But who knows, maybe I'll try it tomorrow.

Day 3:

Woke up with a sore throat and a burning chest. Again, I wondered if this has to do with the acidity in the juices that slightly burnt my gullet. No spinning this morning because there are no morning class offered, but am attending one tonight. I started the day off with my lemon water (as I said before, hot water thrown over a half squeezed lemon). This is to get the digestion and eliminating of toxins working. Lemon is good for that. This was followed by a Lemon/ Ginger Zinger. I've tried to cut down on the pineapple in the juices because of the acidity, so went for the carrot and apple base instead.

For lunch I had a new type of juice not tried before. It's the 'Passion 4 Juice Master'. This is the first time any of the recipes have encompassed another food group apart from fruit and veg. I was quite hesitant to add the yoghurt to the mix, but the recipe says it, so I did it. Others have waxed lyrical about this juice. I didn't find it to be any spectacular. I must say I prefer the pure fruit / veg juices to this one which incorporates the dairy. I liked the colour though - a beautiful mint green!

I've just had a 'Turbo Express' again for dinner and definitely think the acidity has caused my sore throat because as I started drinking it - my throat had that burning sensation again. Have to further cut down on the pineapple! 

A great tip (which might go without saying) is to clean your juicer and blender between every meal. That way the fruit juice can easily be filtered through to the funnel and to the glass every time. I know it's a schlep, but definitely worthwhile if you want to get the maximum out of all the fruit you are juicing. I do feel bad scraping the leftovers out, thinking how much of the fruit is actually waster. But thank goodness for our compost bin - into which all the leftovers go. Makes for a beautiful garden!

Now I have to get my hubbie's dinner on the go (he's off playing evening cricket). Making a roast chicken dinner. Will probably sneak a 'stuk' while no one's looking!

Keep a look out for days 4-7 coming soon. And then we will have the big weigh-in and measurement (because it's not all about the scale - keep some for the tape measure!)

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